Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

21st Century Learning

At Aireys Inlet Primary School, we provide rich and supportive environments to develop our students into 21st Century Learners. Many of the jobs that your children will have when they are adults are not even created yet, so it is so important for them to develop these skills to transfer this knowledge into every aspect of their lives.
These skills are developed through rich Literacy and Numeracy experiences and are at the core of our teaching and learning programs.

We use a variety of tools and strategies to provide our students with opportunities to develop these skills. These include using apps to demonstrate and prove their thinking, flexible learning spaces to promote a variety of learning experiences, and individualised teaching and learning to target the needs of all students. The Victorian Curriculum sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.


Literacy is separated into three areas:

  • Reading and Viewing
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening


Mathematics includes the areas of :

    • Number and algebra
    • Measurement and geometry
    • Probability and statistics.


At Aireys Inlet Primary School, we offer a rich integrated curriculum for students through MAPPEN.

The integrated inquiry learning sequences are designed to ensure that content from the following areas is addressed at each level:

  • Science
  • Technologies (Design and Technologies)
  • The Humanities
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical Capability
  • Intercultural Capability
  • Personal and Social Capability

Specialist Programs

Aireys Inlet provides a number of specialist programs including:

    • Visual Arts
    • Performing Arts
    • LOTE
    • Health and PE
    • Science and Technologies


Students learn about being environmentally responsible. Sustainability and the environment are strongly embedded in the culture of the school and this is reflected in the teaching programs. Drawing on local indigenous practices of caring for the land plus engagement with the community and local environmental interest groups gives the staff and students access to a wide range of knowledge. Students at our school are learning how we can make a difference.